5 Important Pieces of Dental Etiquette You Should Know

A woman picking her teeth, not showing good dental etiquette

It has been said that manners are in short supply these days. While that topic is up for debate, the only person you can control is yourself. If you want to demonstrate respect at your next visit to the dentist, you’ll need to know the best practices to follow. Continue reading to learn the five…

Does Your Dental Crown Need Replacement? Here Are Some Signs

Man smiling in dental chair with handheld mirror

A dental crown can be an excellent way to save a single tooth from extraction, capable of lasting for up to twenty years with proper care and maintenance. However, there comes a time when it’ll need to be swapped out for a new one. Each crown is unique and some will need to be replaced…

Why Are Older Adults More Susceptible to Gum Disease?

Dentist performing surgery

Usually resulting from poor oral hygiene, gum disease is among the most common oral health conditions in the world. It becomes even more likely to develop after the age of sixty, and receding gums are the most common oral problem reported in older people. Read on to learn about why gum disease is more likely…

Dental Bridge Lifespan & How to Make Them Last

person with a dental bridge smiling

Do you have a gap due to missing two or more consecutive teeth? Amid the array of tooth replacement alternatives, dental bridges offer a solution by effectively bridging the gap between your teeth, restoring both appearance and function. The durability of your dental bridge hinges on your diligent care. Explore various factors influencing its longevity…

3 Minimally Invasive Ways to Enhance Your Smile

Happy young woman pointing to her teeth

Few people have perfect teeth naturally, and many things can affect their appearance over the years. If you didn’t hit the genetic jackpot or your smile is showing signs of wear and tear, you don’t have to be embarrassed by your teeth any longer. Cosmetic dentistry can create the smile of your dreams without needing…

How Flossing Your Teeth Can Save Your Life

person flossing to prevent health issues

Flossing is often overlooked by many individuals, with only around 31.6% of American adults practicing daily flossing and a significant 31.9% neglecting regular flossing altogether. However, it is crucial to recognize that flossing plays a pivotal role in preserving optimal oral health. By delving into the importance of flossing and its potential life-saving benefits, you…

Gum Recession: The Causes & How Your Dentist Can Help!

What exactly is “oral health”? Oftentimes, people automatically think of keeping their teeth healthy and clean since that is the first thing others notice when smiling. However, oral health also includes keeping the gums in top condition. These soft mouth tissues not only form a tight seal of protection around your teeth but also provide…

The Best Kind of Toothpaste to Use for your Veneers

young adult brushing their teeth

Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment that can take teeth in basically any condition and transform them into the perfect smile of your dreams! If you’re getting veneers soon, you may be looking forward to what they have to offer to you, and how your smile is going to look. However, veneers also come with…

4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

hand circling the word “dentist” on calendar

At the start of the year, many people are focused on getting started on their New Year’s resolutions. This time right after the holidays can be a busy one as you begin to get back to work, school, and other responsibilities. Even so, the best way to spend the start of the year is by…

Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving for Your Teeth

Getting together with your family and friends for a vast array of delicious foods, what could be better? Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of many, but to your teeth, it is a journey with concerning, yet avoidable, threats. With some sound decision-making, you can ensure a healthy Thanksgiving for your teeth. Keep reading to get…